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Artist/Human Bio

Anny Thach is a Vietnamese, Cambodian, with a dash of Chinese journalist in her journals, lyrical (a poet some might say), a visual artist who is interested in bringing life to pages as long as there is substance. First generation college graduate, from the College of the Holy Cross that majored in Political Science and Asian Studies who applies themselves in positions that empowers and inspires students (in informal or formal spaces) to create space for themselves. Educator at heart, floating art guide that loves to learn how spaces can be activated to inspire curiosity, courage, and creativity. Film maker/ Sitcom Producer/Curator (in the making/in her own pace, thanks to YouTube University and whoever is so generous to guiding her through this tricky world.) 

City girl with a country heart, interested in creating spaces to embrace the intersectionality of identities. 

The word home, feels like a city to me. The city that doesn't ask you for an ID, one that has open doors as if they are arms to hug you. The sounds of the city sounds like traveling the seas, it sounds like languages the sacred understands. Home is a temple, it can be a masjid, it can also be an inviting, and inclusive church. It always has cut fruit, or fruit that is accessible. Home feels safe, it is a feeling that can be carried with you (love, warmth, and challenges you can overcome). Messy is a good word to describe home, but it is manageable, and a space that allows you to be at your own pace. 

I See Myself-44.jpg
Bio: Bio
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